Holy Week & Easter 2024

Sunday 24 March, PALM SUNDAY
8.00am: Low Mass
10.30am: High Mass, Procession of Palms & Passion Gospel (Liturgy begins in Mount Place at 10.30am)
6.30pm: Stations of the Cross, with contemporary reflections

Monday 25 March, Monday in Holy Week
9.30am: St Barnabas School Eastertide Service
6.00pm: Confessions (Fr Matthew)
7.00pm: Mass and Meditation Preacher: The Vicar

Tuesday 26 March, Tuesday in Holy Week
9.00am: Morning Prayer
6.00pm: Confessions (Fr Christopher)
7.00pm: Mass and Meditation Preacher: The Vicar

Wednesday 27 March, Wednesday in Holy Week
9.00am: Morning Prayer
6.00pm: Confessions (Fr Christopher)
7.00pm: Mass and Meditation Preacher: The Vicar

Maundy Thursday 28 March
9.00am: Morning Prayer
6.00pm: Confessions (Fr Matthew)
7.00pm: High Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Procession to the Altar of Repose and Watch until midnight

Good Friday 29 March
9.00am: Stations of the Cross
12noon: Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
7.00pm: Tenebrae

Easter Eve 30 March
8.00pm: The Easter Vigil (lighting of the Paschal Fire and First Mass of Easter)

Easter Day 31 March
8.00am: Mass of the Dawn
10.30am: High Mass of the Resurrection
6.30pm: Solemn Evensong & Benediction